Tuesday 17 September 2013

Day 8 - Southport to Holyhead

An excellent night’s sleep was had. It was really good getting to know the couple we stayed with though a little difficult concentrating on what they were saying though as the TV was on. It wasn't noisy, it's was more because it mesmerized us, having not seen one for over a week. It's nice not seeing a TV and being out of the loop for a while.

Dinner and a warm bed where provided us the previous night. If Paul 'Souse' had just stayed the course for 2 more hours I'm sure his spirits would have been much better by morning. It was weird finishing the day without a third rider to look out for.

A small ride out from Southport's seafront was arranged for us till the tunnel.

Half way there we noticed that the couple where not amongst the group on there Triumph Tiger. We got to the tunnel turn off and where waved on then got promptly lost but one of the group kindly led the way for us. On the way we bumped into the couple at the correct tunnel turn off. We said our goodbyes and where sent on our way to Holyhead.

We stopped at Colwyn Bay. I spotted a bike parked outside this pub, and since bikers know where good food is presumed as much. So we settled down to a Sunday Carvery with all the trimming plus extra lol. Yes our eyes where bigger but we managed lol.

Heaved ourselves onto our bikes, fighting the post food sleep, to get ourselves to Holyhead. But before we left, Paul noticed my front tyre or lack of one as I'd worn the tread down to less than a millimetre. Best take it easy then. So 70mph hauling down to Holyhead we went with me thinking most of the way if this pops I hope the ends quick. I'm not afraid of death but being crippled that would be difficult to live with.

The thoughts that go through one’s head when you’re on the road. Random songs spin around and if you choose to sing along, listening to the surround sound of your own voice in your helmet you will swear doesn't sound so bad and you've got a great voice lol. It's when you start randomly laughing at your own craps jokes you need a break lol. I did think I'd have a good serious think on this trip about my life and it's direction but I found peace in simply switching off and concentrating solely on what was needed, navigation, fuel, time, traffic, scenery, random cool cars or bike you see passing by, any overtaking opportunities for two bikes, pot holes and drain cover avoidance, getting the best line through corners either a safe one or a race one, avoiding gravel and oil, choosing the correct gear, learning to ride one handed so you look chilled and cool - just me on that one lol, make sure your looking after your ride buddy, making sure their still there, saying hello to other bikers on the road no matter what they ride from hair stores to Harleys and even cyclists especially in the highlands because you know they’re there for some serious distance riding so fare play to them.

We got to Holyhead and on the way in we spotted a garage that might be able to help me and my bike. We decided to head out and find somewhere to pitch up for the night and check in with them in the morning.

The place we found to stop at was a farmer's field. Having made sure there were no angry bulls anywhere and shutting a gate into the next field just in case we lugged our tents over the main gate and pitched up behind a wall out of sight of the road.

I promptly fell asleep for a few hours whilst Paul walked to the nearest shop which wasn't near as he thought. But the walk helped loosen up his joints he explained when he got back.

The view we had was out to the ocean with a lighthouse nearby and a few boats moored up dotted around. At night you can hear there large engines thrumming.

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